
Dialogue with a Conscious Thought Leader.

Next guest: Peter Blom. May 22nd 18 pm

Finance: from ‘root cause’ for unsustainable practices to becoming ‘part of the solution’ – insights from 30 years as co-founder & CEO of Triodos

Peter Blom spent 41-years of his career with Triodos Bank NV, since its foundation in 1980. First as a business Banker, then as Managing Director to become and stay its CEO for 24 years… until he retired in 2021.

In this period, Triodos Bank has grown into a mid-size (Balance Sheet Total: EUR 23 billion and 1,500 employees) European, fully licensed bank with a strong environmental and social mission through its network in 5 European countries with well over 700,000 customers. The bank has become a globally recognised successful frontrunner in sustainable, social-inclusive banking and managing 20 high-rated impact investment funds.


Over the decades, he has been intensely involved in developing ‘sustainable finance’ on a visionary/system level and in the day-to-day banking and finance practice. And, more importantly, how to connect those two ends. He actively promoted sustainable, social and ethical banking practices through a global organization he co-founded: The Global Alliance for Banking on Values (GABV), which now includes more than 70 member banks. He co-founded the Sustainable Finance Lab in the Netherlands, now a highly influential academic Think Tank.


He hasn’t stood still since his retirement as CEO and sits on the board of many consciously-minded foundations and organizations as well as serving as a full member of the Club of Rome and their executive committee.


The ‘red thread’ in all this for him has been ‘Finance Change, Change Finance’.


A true Thought Leader in Banking and Finance, we’re happy to dialogue with Peter on May 22nd at 6 pm CEST.

Missed them? Listen to the previous Dialogues: